
我们由衷地热爱射击和狩猎。 它使我们能够回归自然、释放现代社会的压力,从而实现由内至外、从人到自然的探索与控制之间获得平衡。

苏森庄园枪支俱乐部在苏森沼泽历史悠久。 它的前主人蒂姆·伊根 (Tim Eagan) 是水禽狩猎领域的先驱和领导者,他的故事至今仍在沼泽中流传。 我们被他的勇气和信念所鼓舞和召唤,继续他的事业,并将竭尽全力扩大其深度和广度。

虽然我们主要开放给狩猎和射击爱好者,但我们也认为其他人有学习如何使用枪支自卫的需要,尤其是在过去几十年间枪支文化尚未普及的华人社区。 因此,我们专门设计和开办了一些培训课程,以解决他们缺乏语言能力、基本知识和学习资源的问题。 我们毫不怀疑地意识到,为我们所在的社区提供大家需要的专业服务是我们的责任,也是我们的荣幸,我们承诺关心和尊重每一位客户,使他/她能够朝着成为一名和平缔造者、户外爱好者的方向迈进。


We believe shooting and hunting is fun. It is a great way to return to the nature, to release the pressure one gains in the modern world, as well as to embrace the balance of exploration and control from inside to outside, from human to the natural environment.

Suisun Farms Gun Club has a long history in Suisun Marsh. Its former owner, Tim Eagan by the name, was such a pioneer and leader in waterfowl hunting that his story passes down in the marsh even now. We are inspired and summoned by his courage and faith to carry on his business, and to expand its depth and breadth if possible with all we can.

While we are mostly open to the hunting and shooting lovers, it also comes into our view that there is a need arising for other people to learn how to use firearms to defend themselves, especially among the Chinese community in which firearm culture was not popularized during the past decades. Some training courses have hence been specifically designed and conducted to cater for their lack of language proficiency, basic knowledge and learning resources. We realize without any doubt that it is our responsibility as well as our honor to provide professional service in need to the community where we are from, and we make our commitment to care and respect for every client, to empower him/her to take a step forward towards becoming a peacemaker, or an outdoor lover.