2023志愿者计划 / 2023 Volunteer Program

志愿服务能够把射击运动的乐趣带给更多的伙伴。志愿者在枪支安全教育中发挥着巨大作用。 许多人表示,看到人们从最初对射击感到害怕和胆怯、发展到对这项运动充满信心和期待,是一个令人欣慰的过程。

Volunteer and help bring the joy of the shooting sports to more of our fellows. Volunteers play a huge role in gun safety education. Many have said that it has been very gratifying watching people start out afraid and timid about shooting to confident and excited about the sport.

您有很多机会和我们一起,参与我们的教育和培训计划,也可以和他人分享您的射击、打猎、钓鱼和露营故事。我们今年计划举办许多有趣的活动。 这些活动包括少年狩猎日、家庭趣味射击日、保持年轻射击日、少年射击日、酷炫情侣日等。 如果您喜欢教导初学者枪支爱好者正确的射击方式:我们希望您加入我们的团队!

There are many opportunities to volunteer with our educational and training programs as well as to share your stories of shooting, hunting, fishing and camping to inspire others. We are planning many fun events for the year. These range from Minor Hunting Day, Family Fun Shooting Day, Staying Young Shooting Day, Children On Target, Cool Couple Day, and more. If you enjoy teaching beginner gun enthusiasts the proper way to shoot: We want you on our team!

作为回报,我们希望在 2023 年向我们的志愿者提供以下福利:

In return we would like to provide the benefits below as heartfelt thanks to our volunteers in 2023:

  • 志愿者工作结束后个人免费射击
  • 志愿者的家人和朋友加入射击会员可享受 10% 的折扣
  • 志愿者购物或参加活动可享受 5% 的折扣
  • 志愿者加入狩猎会员可享受 5% 的折扣
  • 志愿者的家人和朋友加入狩猎会员可享受 2% 的折扣
  • 如果志愿者希望成为 司法部讲师或联邦枪支许可证持有人,可享受免费培训和帮助。
  • FREE personal shooting after work
  • 10% off for Volunteer’s family and friends joining shooting membership
  • 5% off for Volunteer shopping or joining events
  • 5% off for Volunteer joining hunting membership
  • 2% off for Volunteer’s family and friends joining hunting membership
  • FREE training and assistance if Volunteer wishes to become a DOJ instructor or Federal Firearms License holder


  • 愿意每年付出不少于 24 小时的工作以帮助俱乐部,周末有空更佳。
  • 通过面试,包括笔试和身体检查,以展示其具备枪支安全使用知识、在俱乐部工作的能力以及所需的人际交往能力。
  • 接受俱乐部规则和工作程序的培训。
  • 参加每次活动后的简短会议,进行总结、评估和改进。


  • Willingness to donate no less than 24 hours a year to help the Club, with availability at weekends as a plus.
  • Pass an interview including a written and physical exam section to demonstrate the knowledge of firearm safety handling, the ability to work at the Club, and interpersonal skills required.
  • Accept training of Club Rules and working procedures.
  • Attend a brief meeting after each activity / event for summary, evaluation and improvement.


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